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Exit via Noosa

Noosa Heads might just have won on account of not being Uluru. But I reckon it’d have won anyway, in small town terms. It’s a lovely little place – turns out it’s one of the...

Red rocks’n’flies: Uluru

Part of traveling is trying exotic new foods. So I’m pleased to report that pot noodles have improved immensely since my student days in the 90s. As have other little things like, you know, the...

Melbourne Pride

We’d both done Sydney Pride, Vanessa in 2000 and me in 2002, and a hella party it was, too. But Melbourne wins, at this slightly more advanced stage. You can actually see what’s happening, for one...

Melbourne – coffee city

A few things I’m noticing about Melbourne: Coffee. Everywhere. Even regular McDonalds here has baristas and proper machines, apparently. (Fun fact: the McCafe was invented in Melbourne.)Plus: a...

Proper hot. Sydney.

The clouds I’d brought Sydney weren’t very good and evaporated today. I’ll bring some proper ones from Ireland next time; a nice thick layer of misery, with fog falling through rain...

Sydney for starters

One can always find things to complain about if one really tries. For example, the BA business class flight to Sydney was rife with problems, such as: one had to make one’s own bed. Yes, the...